2018 was...
Letting go of relationships that were unhealthy; even when I wasn’t ready to let go of them.
Saying yes to myself, even when it meant saying no to others that I love still.
Letting God into my mind, and heart, not just my soul.
Deciding what I will do musically and not letting it be decided for me.
Being okay with not being part of the “in crowd.”
Loving the parts of me that I am looking forward to others loving more.
Being patient with myself.
Accepting, embracing and truly accepting the process.
Being more quiet.
Writing more and saying less.
Being alone until my purpose-mate sitting next to me.
Seeking to have more integrity than pleasure.
2019 Will be…
What God wants it to be.
What God has already declared it will be.
A year of establishment.
A year of true self happiness.
A year of not faking the funk.
A year that the real me will be rewarded for being the real me.
Managing my income with more wisdom so I can strategize my outcome more.
Being generous but not foolish.
Seeing fully and hearing fully.
So, 2019 let’s start rocking, cause it’s getting ready to be a party :)